Sunday, March 27, 2016

Use of Condom

Guys, I need to stress the importance of using a condom.  You need to protect yourself from diseases and unwanted pregnancy.  At first, using a condom can be uncomfortable but later on you will get used to it.

Condoms vary in sizes.  Like shoes, you need to try them on until you find the right fit.  For those with a smaller girth or penile thickness, try Trust or Frenzy.  For those with a larger girth or thickness, try Premier.  There are also other brands that you can try.

Of course, a condom should be paired with a personal lubricant.  Before wearing a condom, apply a personal lubricant on your penis.  This will allow the condom to move a bit around your penis, giving some sensation.  Check out my article on this topic at

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